Books / Films / Music
Bipolar: The Elements of Bipolar Disorder; A Practical Guide 2008
Bipolar is a 152 page book that explains Bipolar in a common sense every day language. People say this little book has more information than any 300 page book. Step by step Dr. Carter reveals bipolar disorder and addresses bipolar from a practical perspective. Updated and a section added that contains what real people have to say (people with bipolar disorder, relatives, spouses, and professionals who treat it). New chapter, "The Big Picture".

New Version in 2010

Sold over 25,000 copies
Now Only Available thru LULU.COM
81/2 x 11 version $16.51
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Bipolar Seminar
A six hour DVD set of Dr. Jay Carter filmed live in Kansas City
There is no CEU's offered at this time for viewing the DVD's, but the seminar is in plain English and very entertaining as well as enlightening to this misunderstood disorder. This is a six hour seminar contained on four DVD's

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Bipolar Light DVD
"Dr. Jay Carter & Friends"
This is a two hour seminar on DVD, filmed at the Temple Theater in Saginaw for lay people. Dr. Carter & friends use humor, song, music, and dance to explain Bipolar Disorder.

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Anger Management
A six hour seminar on "Anger Management filmed in Reading. PA.
It is down to earth and useful for lay people as well as professionals. Unique solutions remastered on four DVDs

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The "Original" Bully Caterpillar
UPDATED 7" x 9" in Color
This is a beautiful story about transformation. Harold was a Bully Caterpillar. He ate leaves and walked on the ground. He ate so much he became the biggest caterpillar around. He resisted the urge to build a cocoon like all the other caterpillars. He thought they were weak. Besides, there was always new smaller caterpillars hatching and he could take out his frustrations on them. He hid his loneliness and sadness with meanness. He needed something special to happen to him, and this is his story; the story of an Inner Child's poignant rite of passage.
Kids love it! Adults love it more!!!

Sold over
4,000 copies

The 'Large Print' Bully Caterpillar
8 1/2" x 11"
Special Edition available on on
Printed $27.68
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Animated DVD of The Bully Caterpillar


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Butterflies Don't Land on Manure
Once upon a time, in this very land, there was a man who learned everything in this book... and died. He was transformed, and in any transformation, the "caterpillar" dies.
Jack traveled the world. He seemed to have everything: a good job, a beautiful wife, a dog, a cat, and a dream house in the suburbs. But he was not happy. Follow Caterpillar Jack through the moments of truth that led to the end of his life - or identity - as he knew it: through the discovery of his true self, the discovery of real love, and the beginning of a new life.

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The Executive Function: Unlock Your Potential
Description: A User's Guide to the Mind A work in progress, but people have been asking for the here it is. (Note:There may be mistakes and partial incompleteness in areas.)
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Self Analysis: A Bootcamp Kickbutt Approach
This is a book I wrote when I was 30 years old ... just when I was finishing my education and had everything still intellectually in my head. It has a sense of humor and you need a sense of humor to read it. It's ... facinating, has missing graphics, and is almost finished
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Listen to samples of songs from the album
Music From Heaven
by Sally Wang, adapted and orchestrated by Sam Diaz
Note from Dr. Jay:
The melodies on this album were originated by Sally Wang, and truly sound like songs from Heaven. Sally sang these songs during inspirational moments into her cell phone. She asked me if I could use these songs in the "Bully Caterpillar" animated feature film we are working on. I politely told her I would listen to them but we had enough songs already. I listened, and these songs stopped me in my tracks. Sam Diaz orchestrated the songs into instrumental music. When I asked Sally how these songs came to her, she simply said they were from heaven. I asked her what language she was singing them with. She said the words too came from Heaven, as if she was talking with God. These melodies occurred in sublime moments and are hard to repeat. So, on two songs on this album, Sam Diaz took the original cell phone recordings and wrapped the music around her voice. It is not the "perfection" of voice that you find in a studio. You can hear Sally take a breath every so often, but we think that makes these moments even more special and inspirational because it allows you to be there in the original moment. We are calling this language "Butterfly Language" in the movie.
There are two songs written by my grandfather and his friend, Joseph Andrulavage, in 1910. My grandfather would sing the songs while Joe played them on a player piano around Wilkes-Barre, Pa. "From so long ago" was written by Maria DeHart and myself. She is the niece of a former president of Colombia. The melody for "Harold Was a Bully" was originated and donated by my friend, Jeff Young. I wrote the lyrics and Sam worked his magic to orchestrate the music. "God, I Need You" was performed by Nathan Plett from Shanghai, China.
Jay Carter, Producer

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A Beautiful Sadness:
Daulton's Legacy
by Luanne Wainwright-Erskine
with Dr. Jay Carter
A Beautiful Sadness is a tale of a young boy and his courageous five year battle against cancer. Along with honoring Daulton's life, and how he lived with an amazing sense of grace, this book is intended to provide support and inspiration to anyone who has found themselves, a loved one, or a friend in the position of caring for a child with a terminal illness

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by Rachel Caswell
This is a story of the effect of incest and sexual abuse of a very bright girl at a very early age.
It is written interestingly and compassionately
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Nasty People: How to Stop Being Hurt by Them without Stooping to Their Level
Fourteen years since its first publication, the bestsellerNasty People has been revised and updated to cover the motivations of nasty people, how to avoid confrontation with a nasty boss, how to handle a nasty spouse, and much more, including:
How to break the cycle of nastiness
A new understanding of personality disorders and depression
Narcissism, nasty behavior, and self-doubt
Nasty people and self-validation
The role adrenaline plays in nasty behavior and our responses to it.
Everyone knows a person who has been hurt, betrayed, or degraded by nasty individuals or has experienced it themselves. In three books, Jay Carter, Psy. D., shows readers how to stop this cycle of overt and covert abuse, without resorting to nasty tactics. Now for the first time, this series is released together to cover all areas of dealing with difficult people. With straight-talking advice, real-life anecdotes, and psychology that makes sense, Carter explains how to handle and stop painful behavior that harms both the perpetrator and the victim.
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Nasty Men: How to Stop Being Hurt by Them without Stooping to Their Level
The second book in this important series discusses what to do when nasty men try to use guilt, manipulation, and "reason" to get their way, and differentiates truly nasty behavior from everyday frustrations that arise between men and women. In Nasty Men, Carter defines several "nasty types," including:
The verbal batterer--who uses intimate secrets as ammunition to attack the self-esteem of others
The Don Juan--whose charming attentiveness conceals a chronically deceitful personality
The liar--who says one thing in front of loved ones but something else behind their backs
The Cro-Magnon man--whose attitude turns relationships into battlegrounds
Everyone knows a person who has been hurt, betrayed, or degraded by nasty individuals or has experienced it themselves. In three books, Jay Carter, Psy. D., shows readers how to stop this cycle of overt and covert abuse, without resorting to nasty tactics. Now for the first time, this series is released together to cover all areas of dealing with difficult people. With straight-talking advice, real-life anecdotes, and psychology that makes sense, Carter explains how to handle and stop painful behavior that harms both the perpetrator and the victim.
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Nasty Women: How to Stop Being Hurt by Them without Stooping to Their Level
The newest book in Dr. Carter's series discusses the communication breakdown that sometimes creates nasty behavior in women, covers the many ways women are perceived by spouses, coworkers, family, and friends, and shows ways to repair the damage caused by behaviors often characterized as "female," including:
Catty responses to questions or remarks
Passive-aggressive tendencies
Misunderstandings gone awry
Nastiness as a defense mechanism
Withdrawal from arguments or conflict
Everyone knows a person who has been hurt, betrayed, or degraded by nasty individuals or has experienced it themselves. In three books, Jay Carter, Psy. D., shows readers how to stop this cycle of overt and covert abuse, without resorting to nasty tactics. Now for the first time, this series is released together to cover all areas of dealing with difficult people. With straight-talking advice, real-life anecdotes, and psychology that makes sense, Carter explains how to handle and stop painful behavior that harms both the perpetrator and the victim.
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Nasty Bosses: How to Stop Being Hurt by Them without Stooping to Their Level
In the straightforward and popular style of Dr. Carter's previous three books (Nasty People, Nasty Men, and Nasty Women), Nasty Bosses provides no-nonsense insights into bad-tempered behavior, offering proven techniques for handling every harmful moment inflicted by snide superiors. > Combining humor with the know-how of a trained psychologist, Dr. Carter offers strategies for:
Navigating around the "The Carrot Dangler"--the boss who motivates with the promise of a promotion but never delivers
Discerning the deceptive "Two Face"--the supervisor who tells everyone a different story to try to please them all
Coping with "The Crusader"--the chief who demands fanatical hard work and dedication from employees but "guilts" them, "misers" them, and demeans them
Dealing with "The Chucky Boss"--when this boss is through using you, you get chucked in the "wasted" bin
Contending with "The Noper"--the leader who rejects your ideas only to later implement them as his own
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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Bipolar Disorder (Paperback)
by Dr. Jay Carter and Bobbi Dempsey
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Bipolar Disorder will show you and your loved ones how to live with this condition- one day at a time. Of course you are not an "idiot", and you know there is more to Bipolar than just moodswings and some ups and downs. In this book you will learn to identify triggers which cause emotional upsets, as well as manage mood swings with changes in sleep, diet, exercise, and enviroment. You will learn about side effects of popular prescription drugs to treat this disorder, and natural therapies now available. You will be able to help care for a loved one or family member with these simple guidelines as well as recognizing when hospitalization may be in order. You will also learn about the effects on children and how they differ from adults.
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Taking the Bully by the Horns
by Kathy Noll and Dr. Jay Carter
This book explores different ways kids/teens are bullied (verbally, mentally and physically), how the bully becomes a bully, how the victim becomes a victim (there can be a fine line between the two), and what can be done about it. For Elementary - Jr. High. Adults can also share it with younger children
"Taking the Bully by the Horns" is helping kids/teens deal with bully, self-esteem & school violence issues. This includes the victims, the bullies, AND the bystanders. We've all been bullied to some extent, and we've all seen those around us being bullied. It's time to break the "Bully Cycle."
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